Reason for this Site


I purchased my first rug in 2006 from a Persian rug shop, only to find out later that I had purchased a Pakistani rug albeit of fine construction.

The rug under the table

Admittedly , the realisation now, is that I overpaid for that fine rug. I reconciled the over payment with the memories of my kids learning to walk on that rug, their foray into world of solid foods and the amount of dancing feet that the rug has endured with the passage of time.I am pretty certain that I am not the only person who has bought an  “investment rug”, which may not necessarily meet the criteria for this niche area of rug collection.

Over the last  few years I have focused my attention on antique and semi antique rugs( 70 years + ) and have purchased rugs from collectors and reputable auction houses from all over Europe. Sourcing a rug for purchase is  time consuming as true antique rugs, in reasonable to good condition are becoming harder to find.

My first semi antique Persian rug, Tabriz rug circa 1940

My collection has grown, to the point that storage space has become a problem. Furthermore, storing these rugs away from the public eye was probably not what the weavers intended. They would probably want all of the world to view the end product of the mastery of their weaving skills. I think all true collectors find it difficult to let go of the items in their collection but eventually for some , reason overcomes passion and hence you are welcome to contact me, regarding further information on any item. The collection comprises mainly antique and semi antique rugs from the Kerman region.

Also, the ensuing information on this site, will hopefully provide  cursory  knowledge into the world of rugs,and in particular rugs woven in Kerman.

Source: Oriental Rugs, an illustrated lexicon of motifs,materials and origins by Peter F Stone. Shows the rug producing areas of Central Asia. Kerman is highlighted by the orange block.

In order not to bore people with semantics , and in the interest of brevity, I have tried to be succinct with descriptions and explanations while still remaining informative.

Whilst  purchasing a carpet should be a tactile experience where sight and touch of the product  is important, the rise in the advent of online shopping doesn’t allow for tactile appreciation of the rug. In my description of the various rugs, I will do my best with words to compensate for this. Also being a Dentist and pedantic in nature,  an evidence based purchase is of utmost importance to me.  I have therefore provided, in a subsequent subsection,the general characteristics of rugs woven  in the different  time periods,in the interest of  validation. This was done to the best of my ability using the research at hand as well as advice from fellow collectors.