Disclaimer and Sources


The rugs and photographs featured in the Gallery page are all owned by myself. For those photographs not owned by myself, I have acknowledged the sources.

The photographs of the rugs were taken under natural light, but the rugs may appear different under different light sources.

The information I have provided on the condition and origin of the rugs is to the best of my knowledge and research.

The information on the design, history and origin of the rugs are from my extensive readings and research.



  • Anthropological Study of Kerman Carpet Symbols, Shapes and Designs American International Journal of Social Science Research Vol 7 No.1 2021
  • Rugs and Carpets of the Orient by The Rug Guru
  • Oriental Rugs , An Illustrated Lexicon of Motiefs,Materials and Origins by Peter F.Stone
  • The Root of Wild Madder, Chasing the History,Mystery and Lore of the Persian Carpet by Brian Murphy